Money Mindset Money Habits

Is Wealth Really A Mindset?

What do you think is the biggest obstacle between you and the wealth you desire? Is it your education, ability to work hard, or experience? While all of them contribute to it, the biggest roadblock on your journey to wealth is YOU! What you think, believe, and feel about money determines how much you would have in your hand. It’s not seeing is believing, but rather believing is seeing. You must first believe in your ability to possess the money before seeing it in your hand.

If you want to be wealthy, stop following the crowd and listen to your heart. Stop following news channels, as they are full of dooms. Do you remember the last time you saw and heard some optimistic, positive news on the news channel? You might have to go way back if you remember one. It is designed that way simply because that’s what sells.

Please pay attention to whom you are listening to when it comes to wealth. Who are your money advisors? Your friends, family members, neighbors, auto drivers, mutual fund agents? Are they qualified enough for you to take their advice? Have they done what they are preaching? Do they have a result to prove? Are they financially well off? If the answer is NO to these questions, then you know where you are standing. Free advice is the most expensive, and that is certainly true regarding wealth building. So pay someone who walked the talk to get your wealth advice. In the long run, it will be the best investment you have made for yourself.

Once you have done your homework on this topic, it’s time to look for opportunities actively. Take ACTION when the option is presented to you. Many people fail to identify the chance because, most of the time, it is dressed in disaster. Ask any self-made, wealthy, successful person, and they will have one, if not many, stories to tell confirming this. Stop treating personal challenges as tragedies, and start looking at them as challenges to prosper.

A wealthy mindset is not about how much money you have in hand but how much you have in your mind and how you think about it. We all heard stories of people who had windfalls when they won the lottery and came on the street a few years later. And we also have countless stories of people who started with a humble beginning but became very wealthy later in life. So what is the common factor here? Of course, mindset! A rich perspective makes you wealthy, and a popper mindset makes you; well, you know what.

We all might have grown up in different environments, faced other circumstances, and had different opportunities but remember one thing; we all have the same potential inside us to create the life we want! Wealth is in our heads, and we can make it a reality with our hands! Believe it, for you to see it!

“Your mindset matters. If you don’t have the mindset of a wealthy person (“How can I afford it?) Versus a poor person (“I can’t afford it.”), you will never achieve wealth.

– Robert Kiyosaki